Definitely I’m not a romantic nostalgic person, I usually prefer strong, contemporary, definite, and graphic style. Sometimes we all need a little bit of sugar, softness, loosing ourself inside the layers of a soft hug.
In this pic a gorgeous haute couture Dior gown is making us dream about a possible beauty saving us, even if it is only for a moment, during these crazy days.
Phrase of the day: Tenderness of a soft embrace
Ph CM aka #laprofeadventures
Tulle mon amour
January 3, 2018

Definitely I’m not a romantic nostalgic person, I usually prefer strong, contemporary, definite, and graphic style. Sometimes we all need a little bit of sugar, softness, loosing ourself inside the layers of a soft hug. White Pure Delicate In this pic a gorgeous haute couture Dior gown is making us dream about a possible beauty... / READ MORE /